Caritas Christi is a Secular Institute which wishes to form and to give to the Church, contemplative and apostolic laypersons, dedicated to God in the Church and for the Church, giving of themselves in all settings of life.
Who are we? We are Christians of all professions, in all settings, in all continents, who live, in the midst of the world, their Dedication to God.
Our Charism: To love God and to make Him loved. Our vocation is, above all, a real and absolute response to the Love of God, in giving ourselves totally to Him.
Our Spirituality: A life lived in the sight of the Father who sees the most hidden parts of us. This allows us to consciously live, well aware of His closeness to us; His proximity and His regard for us. At the same time, this invites us to leave behind all ostentation. We wish only to reflect on God.
Specific guidelines of Caritas Christi
- ‘Life and Spirit” (our Constitutions): “Life and Spirit” contains the spirit of our vocation, based on the Gospel.
- Fraternal Communion: We are united by a fraternal communion which is born in response to the common call that each of us has received. This response creates, between us, new fraternal bonds, in Jesus Christ.
- Personal Sponsor: Each member, in her journey, is able to count on the support of a Personal Sponsor, who helps and guides her on the journey of Christian freedom and responsibility.
- The Sponsor respects our life. She never makes the decisions which come to each of us. She exercises no authority. We listen together to the will of God. The Sponsor’s counsel helps us to progress in our vocation, notably in our prayer life, human and Christian formation, and in how to live the spirit of service.
- Groups: Groups are places of sharing of our life experiences, of discerning how to best respond to the Call of God. They are occasions for us to deepen together our vocation and our prayer.
- Formation Bulletins: Formation Bulletins help us to discover what is specific to our vocation.
- Writings of our founders
- Recollections and An Annual Retreat
- The “General Circular” : The “General Circular” is the international newsletter which informs us of life in the Caritas Christi groups around the world.
How does Formation occur?
It occurs in our own setting, through dialogue with our Personal Sponsor, in groups, and with the assistance of Formation bulletins.
Our placement: We remain in our ordinary circumstances, where God has placed us. We live our vocation in discretion vis a vis other members and the Institutes.
Our apostolate: Caritas Christi does not have a specific apostolate. The world is its field of apostolic service. Each one of us exercises her own apostolate in her own Providential setting.
Commitments: Our Definitive Dedication to God in the Church commits us in the depths of our lives.
- As a Celibate chosen for the Kingdom: By a free choice of love, we are called to live our Baptism as a celibate, when we make our Definitive vow. It is a seal and an act of confirmation of our dedication in Caritas Christi.
- We live poverty as a radical dependence on God, in knowing that all that we possess comes from Him.
- We live obedience as faithfulness to the will of God, manifested in our concrete lives and lived in accordance with the demands of the Gospel.
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